Brokerage Event | How does it work?
Are you planning for a EDF 2021 coordinated proposal and would you like to have a flash presentation on the topic you targeting at the event? Do you intend to find potential collaborations for your topic??
If so, please indicate when registering by clicking on the link to the area of your interests or email to Presentations are limited and initial shortlisting will be made on a first come first served basis. Coordinators of potential proposals will be prioritised. Final decision on the presentations will be made by 10 September. You will be contacted shortly after that.
We will organize proposal pitching in 3 parallel sessions, with 4 slots of 20' for thematic parallel sessions, followed by two dedicated sessions of 30' for (i) SMEs/MidCaps and (ii) Research organisations.
Thematic sessions are limited to 100 participants per session. Each presentation must not exceed 5mins. Registration is not necessary, attendees will be accepted on a first come first served basis.
The brokerage event takes place on the 16 September from 09:00 to 12:00 CEST, tune in and join the room of the call area of your interest.